Sunday, August 20, 2017

September is the month of departure...

I will be leaving town around the first of September and I will try to post updates occasionally as I go.  I don't have a destination as such, although I know I will initially be heading west, so I'll try to keep you posted...

In the meantime I will be working on new pages to feature Anastasia's conversion process.  I know when I decided to take this task on, of building my own camper van from scratch, that I perused dozens of sites and watched hundreds of YouTube videos before I settled on how I was going to piece together my own van build.  Every van conversion is unique, and I learned a lot from other's creative solutions to difficult problems and adapted many of their ideas into my own build.  Hopefully the new 'Converting Anastasia' pages will also be of help to others...

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The Invitation

  A close friend of mine sent this to me and it just blessed me when I read it.     I thought it was so beautiful and I wanted to share. To ...