Sunday, May 27, 2018

Back to Kentucky...

I kind of had in my mind that once I left the Oregon coast I would be heading east to Kentucky in order to visit with my family and friends, as well as to make repairs and perform maintenance on the van...

I anticipated a leisurely journey, spending a few days at each campsite before moving on eastward, but circumstances warranted (limited camping areas in the regions I traveled) that the trip be quite a bit faster, so I’m now camped out at my daughter’s place.  Luke, my son-in-law and a talented tech, will be performing most of the repairs and maintenance (thank goodness!!), and in the meantime I also get to spend time with T (my nickname for my daughter Tabitha since birth), and my 14 year old granddaughter AJ, (Alexandra Jane), who I barely recognize because she has grown and matured so much since I saw her last...

I’m camping on a nice spot off the front of their land (see pic) and enjoying every minute of the time I get to stay here.  I don’t have a lot to share about my trip east, like I said, it happened rather quickly, but I’ll post what I do have as soon as I can...

There’s a lot of friends I’d like to see, but it seems a bit awkward for me to reach out and make first contact, so if you’d like to touch base just comment below, or send me an email, or text, I think most of you have my contact info...

Much love, much peace... 😊

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