Thursday, May 17, 2018

Travels through Oregon, Idaho, and into Utah...

I got up early, finished packing the van and headed back into Bend Oregon to run my weekly errands and to replenish my supplies.  After that, at about noon, I set my Google maps app aimed at the Willow Creek Canyon campsite in Utah and headed out…

Driving along some beautiful Oregon landscapes...

I stopped many times along the way to take pictures as I traveled through Oregon on Highway 20, but it’s so picturesque, the drive was one of the most enjoyable ones I have had, everything was just so beautiful and at some point I decided to stop taking so many pics and just drive on, knowing I couldn’t fully capture what I was seeing with photos anyway, you just have to experience it yourself, but here are a few of the pics…

And here's a short video of the view as I was entering into Utah...

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The Invitation

  A close friend of mine sent this to me and it just blessed me when I read it.     I thought it was so beautiful and I wanted to share. To ...